Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Getting back on track

Hello Interweb.

I've felt slightly out of sorts lately. i can't exactly put my finger on what it is. I haven't been sleeping very well, been getting massive headaches and I have found myself easily irritable! And I don't like it. So this post is just me gettign all that off my mind.

I feel like life has slightly gone off the rails for me. Nothign crazy. No, quite the opposite. "Life" is good. Shawna and I are both working good jobs with a stable income hanging with good friends, and even the Senators are playing well all of a sudden. Yet I feel like I'm going nowhere right now. Why? laziness! Plain and simple. I'm using work, and how tired I am at the end of the day to not do the things that make my life so special and make me so blessed. But why? Why am I doing that? Shouldn't I be jumping on those thigns like a fat kid on cake? Yes. I should. but I'd rather sit on the couch and stare at the TV or the gameboy (Teehee) instead of read my bible, work on my marriage book or - God Forbid - Pray! All in all, not good.

Not to mention that blogging is a good way to sort out my thoughts and I haven't been doing that lately.

Blah! I was supposed to meet the Children's pastor of tenth Avenue Alliance Church yesterday btu she cancelled our meeting because she was feelign ill. Which is good, because I didn't feel ready for it at all. I hadn't thought about it, prayed about it or asked for any kind fo guidance regarding it. I was just kidna gonna go without haveing medidated and prepared myself for the meeting and the work involved in it. So her cancelation was a bit of a blessing. (Especially since, 5 minutes before she emailed me Iw as thinking how I wasn't ready and I wish I had given it more thought. God answers prayers so blatantly sometimes it kinda freaks me out.) So I'm gonna really think about it, pray about it and look up the skies for a guiding hand!

Oh, and get back on track with Blogging!

And spend more bible time with Shawna. Our work schedules and tiredness are NOT an excuse. Yeah! Go team!


  1. i never have excuses...you'll notice i'm keeping up with stuff i want to do

  2. Nice to see you back in the blogosphere! Hope you're feeling better!
