Thursday, June 25, 2009

Guess whoooo

Hello Internet!
I've found I'm spending more and more time on people's blog's of late. I'm commenting on posts and sparking discussion.

Then I gots ta thinkin'... Why don't I gets me one of dem thangs.

So here I am. At 3 AM, unable to sleep trying to figure out how to make my blog look as badass as Sarah Pee's. So far, no luck. Ok Ok. I'm just a rookie in this whole sub-culture, so I will give it a little time. Hopefully I will get the hang of it and blow your minds!

In any event I have created this because I think it's a great way to get my thoughts out in the open. (And to the CIA. What are they gonna do with my thoughts? I'm not too worried. I don't have much of relevance to say.) This is more or less gonna be a place for me to tell people where I'm at. What I'm thinking. What I'm feeling. How much the world is pissing me off. Or how I am reminded of how magical it is. Whatever. We'll see.

On that note, I'm gonna try to sleep now. I'm gonna get crackin' on this again in the AM. Well, it is the AM. I mean more in the Latter-AM!


Goooooooooooooodnight Internet.

1 comment:

  1. haha i think everyone i know's first blog post is explaining why they decided to blog. I think its kinda interesting.
    i hope your doing well guy

    ~lisa v~
